1.       Albania

2.       Argentina

3.       Bangladesh

4.       Bosnia and Herzegovina

5.       Brunei

6.       Bulgaria

7.       Canada

8.       Cape Verde

9.       China

10.   Colombia

11.   Cuba

12.   Germany

13.   Greece

14.   Haiti

15.   Israel

16.   Kazakhstan

17.   Kyrgyzstan

18.   Korea

19.   Mauritius

20.   Montenegro

21.   New Zealand

22.   Pakistan

23.   Philippines

24.   Romania

25.   Russia

26.   Saudi Arabia

27.   Serbia

28.   Spain (Catalunya)

29.   Syria

30.   Tunisia

31.   United Kingdom

32.   USA

33  Venezuela 








The Light of Hope shines on the beloved

land furrowed by wounded edges where

the poverty lives naked.

There are undressed ladies

with wide open eyes

on the sidewalks full of corpses

with anxiety is fed inside the garbage

with rotting food like stale bread crumbs as if they are for stray dogs.


But the Light of Hope triumphs it travels around the world on the paths where poor and sick people pass.

It's passes there like a torchlight procession to tell the beloved Earth to stops suffering.

It fed the poor in abundance

with the light of hope.


The oceanic light emerges and fills the cracks in the souls of the sick, 

wherever are there. 

By embracing the light, 

everyone recovers from the evils of the century: 

Diseases and Poverty!


Angela Kosta



Angela Kosta was born in Albania but since 1995 she has lived in Italy. She is a journalist, writer, translator, literary critic, estheist and promoter.






The last rays of the sun

paint with orange  the trunks of the trees ,

next to a river turned into mighty mercury.

Silence impregnates souls with loneliness,

It surrounds them with memories, fears and shadows

that stick like ghosts without peace

in the growing gloom.

With closed eyelids,

the soul exhausted from so much darkness

 fervently desires a brightness that guides her.

The miracle begins to flicker...

The city lights up slowly

until it explodes into a luminous lace.

Beauty surrounds us and accompanies us,

she disperses the night,

and allows us to see in the dark

with hope.





Alejandra Miranda ,  Argentina





Los últimos rayos del sol

pintan de naranja los troncos de los árboles,

junto a un río convertido en mercurio caudaloso.

El silencio impregna de soledad las almas,

las envuelve con recuerdos, miedos y sombras

que se clavan como fantasmas sin paz

en la penumbra creciente .

Con los párpados cerrados,

el alma agotada de tanta oscuridad

desea con fervor  un brillo que la oriente.

El milagro comienza a titilar…

La ciudad se enciende lentamente

hasta que estalla en un encaje luminoso.

La belleza nos rodea y acompaña,

dispersa  la noche,

Y nos permite ver en lo oscuro

con esperanza.


 Alejandra Miranda, Argentina


Alejandra Miranda: artista visual, escritora y curadora. Directora de cultura de la ciudad de La Paz (Entre Ríos, Argentina/ 2015-2022). Representante del movimiento Imagen y Poesía en su país.

FB Alejandra Miranda Arte






(To my younger sister Minuara Bhutto, whose world turned blue and extinguished by labor pain)


O my sister, the scent of flower in the inner apartment

Is the day ended? The southern breeze sings

Flashes of lightning; what a strange pain in the waist!

O my God! Where the midwife pulls out the sun from the womb?


What the nurse has said, mother! Tell me, please!

Take Minu to an emergency operation, in this very moment!


Why she is laughing? The world runs after her

Affection greets her in a page of stars.

Is a special guest there? That's good too.


O my God! Where is her beloved husband? Where is 

Niloy Rafique, her beloved brother tied with blood?



The whistle blows, the two o'clock train arrives

Go, say goodbye, have my news from the sky.


Sudden stormy wind and darkness prevail all around

Outcries of wailings in my endless yard.


 Niloy Rafiq 

Translated by Jyotirmoy Nandy


Niloy Rafiq 

was born in 6 August 1983 Maheshkhali, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. Niloy Rafiq has been writing in the literary pages of local daily newspapers since his school days. Later, his poems were published in national and international literary magazines including various famous little magazines. So far, his notable poems have been translated into more than twenty foreign languages. His English poetry book 'Sun Leaf has already been published under 'Stockholm Project 2033 Global Leader' by Amazon. The number of his poetry books written in Bengali languages is 6.

Bosnia and Herzegovina






Repeat success, build dreams

don't just call me that

when you want, I'm not here in the game

to obey you again


Hold me, we could do it one more time

to spend a sleepless night in quarrels

because your constants that the world is idiocy

it creates nervous ambrosia for me


I'm silent, because you're wrong

I would be lying if I agreed with you

in vain from fighting with you in anger

because the time also breaks on the head


Unconscious, you give me suggestions about life

I xixed you through my brain

better things await me than anything

although your aura tickles me subtly


They could do it all over again

but it is not valid because there were a lot of fights

but I remember only the best

because I'm not a hater, Lord!


Maid Corbic


Maid Corbic comes from Bosnia and Herzegovina. He have twenty four years and lives in Tuzla. He spends most of his free time writing and reading books. 





soul, become strong

like ocean waves, painting on canvas

put down roots, find resources, bloom, fruit wasted

put life, soul, I need blood and tears


soulful, beautiful song

as a drunken man in the Monalisa painting in Paris

what are the accusations only basic colors, yellow, black, red

what matters is the burning soul fire


there is a time of hope

and time to despair


what matters is the soul

if you have no soul

you don't know love

or do you know death


soul, my shadow is in the sun

in the eyes of the world

in the change of the soul into the movement of the body

in the struggle of souls in all synthesis

in the blood flows rapidly or freezes


soul, be


there is a time of hope

and time to despair

what matters is a burning soul


soul, blood and tears become like a dark night.



Brunei Darussalam




H.MAR or real name Dr. Haji Mohd Ali bin Haji Radin was born on August 5, 1968 in Brunei Darussalam. Graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Malay Literature at the Universiti Brunei Darussalam. He works as a Senior Language Officer at the Language and Literature Bureau, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of Brunei Darussalam. H.MAR’s written works are published in Brunei and in different countries.







La luna sombría decrece veloz

atropellando el olvido de cada contrito sigilo,

amordazado suspiro o inficionado anhelo

restallados una vez a sovoz.


Halos de luz mortecina me exhortan a que siga

por nuestra vía peregrina, alumbrada desde la preñez

de unas farolas fernandinas en perpetua mudez.


Desfallecen los falsos fanales en centelleo senil

cada vez que te invoca el hálito vacío

de mi aciago interior.


Cúpulas de coronas de acristalado fulgor

son espías sordos ante tanto dolor.


Perpetuada está en su base la efe capitular

de unas fantasías inmarcesibles siquiera

even al decrépito de mi ser, buscándote

una estéril noche más

en la más perenne

y perversa soledad,

una carrera de émbolo circular

que va sepultando cada vez más la luz.






The dark moon decreases fast

running over the oblivion of every contrite sigil,

gagged sigh or infected longing

once shattered on speaker's lips.


Halos of dying light exhort me to keep on

on our pilgrim way, lit from pregnancy

of some Fernandine street lamps in perpetual silence.


 The false lanterns fade in senile twinkling

every time the empty breath calls out to you

from my terrible interior.


Domes of crowns of glazed glare

are spies deaf to so much pain. 


Perpetuated is at its base the capitular effect

of some unfathomable fantasies even

to the decrepit of my being, looking for you

one more barren night

in the most perennial

and perverse loneliness,

a circular plunger stroke

which is burying the light more and more.







(SOFÍA, BULGARIA 1987) Profesora de lengua y literatura Castellana. Poeta búlgara afincada en España. Ha prologado dos poemarios y una antología europea de poesía. Escribe reseñas literarias, poesía y narrativa accesibles en diferentes revistas o plataformas digitales. Su primer libro de poesía es “Florilegio de una amapola”. Ha participado como poeta invitada en diversos encuentros y festivales poéticos internacionales. Miembro activo de variados colectivos culturales como REMART, CUCBA o KULTURA PROJECT.


Huguette Bertrand




Elle est noire

je suis blanche

nous sommes jaunes

humaines triangulaires

reliées à nos espaces

pareillement intimes


nous sommes différences

et pourtant si humanité

dans un espace aussi restreint

entre les mers agitées

entre le vent la pluie

les pleurs pareillement pleurs


dedans nos veines

le sang pareillement sang

pousse des cris arrachés aux chaînes

dedans nos cris

le sang murmure  je t'aime



Huguette Bertrand (Canada)

10 mars 2024


Huguette Bertrand est une poète et éditrice Canadienne. Elle a publié 39 ouvrages de poésie dont plusieurs ouvrages en collaboration avec des artistes. Ses poèmes ont paru dans des revues et des anthologies internationales imprimées et en ligne, traduits en plusieurs langues.

Site web :

Facebook :

Katherine L. Gordon


Dreaming Cities of Light

            (for Guido Chiarelli)


He did not see darkness,

silver stars lit the alleys,

moon walked paths between the houses,

little shops, the wine at tables,

windows and doors caught the light.

He reached for clever snares of glass and metal

to entice and capture all the radiance of sky,

transform it to lamps and globes, glitters of pendants

to echo and enhance all the prisms of starry wonders

to shine from pillars and posts

radiating the love of midnight life,

embracing arms and eyes of lovers

making the city shine,

calling all to urban delights from dark fields beyond,

promising every delight.

He is immortal in the glowing beauty of his chandeliers,

his gift of holding light

so we can keep it in our hearts, an aria of life,

and bloom beneath it.


Katherine L. Gordon, Canada


Katherine L. Gordon is a poet, publisher, author, editor,

judge and reviewer.  She believes that promoting poetry is a force

to unite the world.  She has many books, anthologies and co-operative projects with peers internationally.

Cape Verde


Liquid voice


This voice of fire dancing with water

Consumes my liquid memories

Like the rays that devour the ocean

Words embitter the rivers of dreams

Overflowing from the body affection like

Dikes that are broken by sand


I faint in a colorless cloak

I faint in tears that are also colorless


My soul hurts the horizon

In the body of the sea


My emotions faint

In a taste of the quiet breeze

They pierce the sky with their liquid voice


Forming the stars that eternalize


On this night of booming poetry.




Voz líquida


Esta voz de fogo bailando com água

Consome as minhas lembranças líquidas

Como os raios que devoram o oceano

As palavras amarguram os rios dos sonhos

Transbordando do corpo afeição como

Diques que são arrebentadas pelas areias


Desfaleço num manto sem cor

Desfaleço num pranto também sem cor


A minha alma fere o horizonte

No corpo do mar


As minhas emoções desmaiam

Num gosto da brisa calada

Furam o céu com a voz líquida


Formando as estrelas que eternizam

Nesta noite de estrondo de poesia.




Glória Sofia


Glória Sofia, 1985, Cape Verde, graduate in University of Azores. She has books translated in many  languages and in diverse anthologies, magazines, journals, and websites etc.In many International Poetry Festivals. She has been nominated and winner in a few literature awards. 


Cao Shui, also Shawn Cao



The Temptation Of The Tower Of Babel


Light illuminates everything

From thirteen directions

All the people are confined to a high wall

You use the power of language

I once glimpsed the top of the Tower of Babel

That second of light

Happier than all love

Better than all dreams

They all say it is a hoax

But how can eyes deceive

The best world you've ever seen

You can't stop the pursuit of light

They begin to talk

With the power of sound

We must reach the top of the Tower of Babel


Cao Shui, also Shawn Cao 



Translated by George Wallace



Cao Shui, also Shawn Cao (born in Jun 5, 1982), is a Chinese poet, novelist, screenwriter and translator. He is a representative figure of Chinese Contemporary Literature. He leads “the Greatpoeticism” movement. His most notable works includes Epic of Eurasia, the already mentioned trilogy and King Peacock (TV series). So far fourty books of Cao Shui have been published, including ten poem collections, five essay collections, ten novels, four translations, 18 fairy tales and one hundred episodes TV series and films. He has won more than 50 literary awards worldwide. His works have been translated into 24 languages. He is also chief editor of Great Poetry, deputy editor in chief of World Poetry, secretary general of Boao International Poetry Festival and vice president of the Silk Road International Poetry Festival. Currently he lives in Beijing, and works as a professional writer and screenwriter. 

Chen Ruizhe  (Su Yun)


Spring Prayer of the Lone Tree



As though my palms alone could pray,


Praying for songs to rise from the depths of gorges, 


As if I ponder for these songs,


Contemplating the tune,


 simmered all winter,


Traversing the fields, 


cleansed into symbols sacred,


 Dyed and woven into divine forms,


Becoming algae that flows into the mortal world, 


Seeking a cradle of warmth to cling


Finally stretching into the grass on the ridges,


 I pray ceaselessly,


Until the evening sun encircles in a golden flood, 


I fix my gaze on the budding tips of my fingers, 


Immaculate yet so faint,


Swaddled in the rings of years and withered wrinkles, 


I sigh,


Oh youth, the most beautiful lament of humanity.




















  Chen Ruizhe  pseudonym Su Yun




 Chen Ruizhe, pseudonym Su Yun, member of the Chinese Poetry Society, a young poet, works published in more than ten countries

Zou Lian’an


After the Autumn Harvest


After the autumn harvest

The earth takes back her womb

Pausing the reproduction

Wounds of the fields have healed up

No more bleeding or festering


And the people adhering to their beliefs

Inflict the fields with no more violence

All the iron tools

Are put aside in the endgame of autumn


The bygones hidden by snow

Are warming the freezing rivals

All seem to be in harmony


Sometime after the autumn harvest

In the clear and crisp clime

Will there be a storm sweeping by


Time to sum up again

Being brought to account is part of the procedure

Some are hesitating

Why not enjoy a feasting night


Just before the coming hibernation


Zou Lian’an (邹联安)



(Translated by Prof. Shi Yonghao)


Zou Lian’an (邹联安), a famous contemporary Chinese poet, was born in 1958 in Hunan province. He is now the executive editor of “Elegance”, chief editor of “Poetry Circle” and executive chairman of Xiangtan Literature Research Association. He has won Chinese Prose Award, Gold Award of World Chinese Poetry and Government Literature Achievement Award, etc. Some of his works have been translated into English, French, Japanese, German, Italian, Greek, Vietnamese, Swedish and other languages. He published poetry anthologies such as Wandering Love Songs, Pain of Love, Selected Poems of Zou Lian’an, Hidden Pain of the Earth, a long poem Fugitive, and prose collection Lasting Nostalgia.


The Insomniac


Time and again she reads the dark night

She gives the secret language to the winds and rains from nowhere

She turns back and forth in the enveloping darkness and darkness in the dream

She is galloping without rest in the darkness

She gulps down a little bottle of tranquillizer

Her quick breathing is like the singing of nightingales

In the air she is writing about the white clouds changing into grey dogs

Finally she loosens her hands clenching into a fist


    Liang Ling (梁玲)



                     (Translated by Prof. Zhang Zhizhong)


    Liang Ling (梁玲) is a distinguished poetess in contemporary China, with a pen name of The Fish of Sahara. She is a native of Miluo of Hunan Province, born in the 70s of the 20th century. She holds a master’s degree in management, now residing by Nanhu Lake below the Lion Mountain of Wuhan City, as a teacher of Huazhong Agricultural University. She sticks to the idea that poetry is the religion of a person, and she enjoys quiet, pure, single-minded writing. Since 1993 she began to publish poetry, and has published The Castle of Metaphors, I Am Beneath the Flowers (Chinese-English), and Euphonious Third Voice, etc.




Falling in love with Kunlun Mountains and clouds


The Kunlun mountains are in the arms of clouds

The clouds are in my arms

I brush away three thousand troubles

Watching the sunshine dancing


The altitude of five thousand meters

Not higher than  my longing thoughts

I gaze at the distance

Falling in love with Kunlun mountains and clouds


Hoh Xil is my pasture for aye

I fly my dream, fly everything

My neighbors are yaks and Tibetan antelopes


The Kunlun Mountain, my place of pilgrimage

Take off the haloxylon-like kindness and bitterness

From now on, I'll run to the distance with my dste-red horse


Zhou Zhanlin


Translated by John Zhao.



Zhou Zhanlin, is a member of Chinese Writers Association, Editor-in-Chief of, Deputy Secretary General of the Organizing Committee of Ten-thousand-Mile Chinese Poetry Travel, Vice President of Chinese Modern Poetry Research Institute.


The Fate of A Dandelion



From birth

you are destined to

express your meaningless life with wandering


the wandering direction

is always at the mercy of the wind

With love on the left

direction on the right

every forced flight

is a lacerating agony

However hard you try to land on the earth

you are compelled to wander to a foreign land

time and time again


Sometimes you want to be a magpie

Sometimes you want to emulate a nightingales

in that

in tangled clouds

you abandon yourself into a misty landscape

subverting philosophy

playing with history

and ending up without a trace in midair


 Xu Jiangang



Bio: Xu Jiangang, pen name, Old Captain, Professor of English and American Literature at the School of English Language and Culture, Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College; he has had 4 books of poem collections published in bilingual languages. 





The moon sinks into the night,

My tongue in the middle of your mouth.

The clouds dance around him,

My hands on your waist.

Poets are inspired by seeing her,

My tongue is inspired by licking you.

They write immortal verses to him through time,

My libidinous incarnated pen wants to write a poem about your navel, and reach the most intimate part of your being.

Poets daydream when they observe the queen of the early morning, imposing, resplendent and very sure of herself,

My eyes are delirious when I see your sweaty and seductive skin, with my footprints on you.

Everyone loves the moon, and how can you not love her, if she is the accomplice goddess of the night.

Yes, she, the moon, clarifies and illuminates the path that leads me to you.


Laskiaf Amortegui



Laskiaf Amortegui

She is a poet, writer and announcer, author of the novel THE BUTTERFLY CAGE, which tells the stories of five women. She is co-author of several anthologies of international fiction and poetry, some of her lyrics have been translated into several languages.



No complains


How can you complain about old age?

It has allowed you to nourish

at least six dogs,

four cats

and numerous plants.

It has allowed you to feed

a cradle of fish

with solar fire on the scales

and it allows you to sleep little

to contemplate the dreams of the moon.

How can you complain about old age?


It gives you time

to contemplate the portraits of clouds,

while you wait sitting

on the threshold of the oven

to toast the world,

to welcome with hot bread

and biscuits


To whom still remembers that you exist.



Sin quejas


¿Cómo puedes quejarte de la vejez?

Te ha permitido de nutrir

al menos seis perros,

cuatro gatos

y numerosas plantas.

Te ha permitido alimentar

una cuna de peces

con fuego solar en las escamas

y te permite dormir poco

para contemplar los sueños de la luna.

¿Cómo puedes quejarte de la vejez?

Te da tiempo

para contemplar los retratos de nubes,


mientras esperas sentada

en el umbral del horno

de tostar el mundo,

para acoger con pan caliente

y bizcochos


quién se acuerda todavía que existes.


Senza lamentele


Come puoi lamentarti della vecchiaia?

Ti ha permesso di nutrire

almeno sei cani,

quattro gatti

e numerose piante.

Ti ha permesso di alimentare

una culla di pesci

con fuoco solare nelle squame

e ti permette di dormire poco

per contemplare i sogni della luna.

Come puoi lamentarti della vecchiaia?

Ti dà tempo

per contemplare i ritratti di nuvole,


mentre attendi seduta

nel portico del forno

di tostare il mondo,

per accogliere con pane caldo

e biscotti

chi ricorda ancora che esisti.


- Yuleisy Cruz Lezcano


Born in Cuba, I live in Marzabotto (Bo). In Italy from the age of 18, I have achieved a Doctor in Biological Science with a Masters Degree in Nursing and Obstetrics.I have written 18 books, the last one is “Di un’altra voce sarà la paura”, Leonida Edizioni, 2024.




We who have allowed                                      

the return of evil

the return of those

who feel no regret in killing

while following orders

we who have allowed the frozen words

of our leaders

in shreds of half truth

to celebrate the murderers

of an entire population

in that strip of land

where there is no escape

How will we erase our sins

as history follows us


like an angry dog

with puzzled and

unsettling eyes

that keep asking

How could this happen?

Wie konnte das passieren?


Noi che abbiamo permesso

il ritorno del male

il ritorno della banalità del male

che non prova nessun pentimento nell’uccidere

perché ubbidisce a un ordine

noi che abbiamo permesso che i nostri governanti

con le loro parole congelate

in brandelli di mezza verità

si accodino a quelli

che cercano di eliminare un popolo intero

in quella striscia di terra

senza via di fuga

come faremo a cancellare le nostre colpe

la Storia ci seguirà

come un cane che cerchiamo di cacciare via

si seguirà con occhi malati

e incomprensibili chiederà

Wie konnte das passieren?

Come ha potuto succedere?


Traduzioni dell’autrice



ANTJE STEHN, tedesca, poeta, artista visiva, Exil-PEN tedesco, inventrice del progetto artistico-poetico Rucksack a Global Patchwork. Coeditrice di TamTamBumBum, fa parte del direttivo del Piccolo Museo della Poesia di Piacenza. Le sue poesie sono tradotte in dodici lingue diverse.


The lantern / Фонарь



The lantern stood thoughtfully, looking into the night sky,

The words have been memorized for a long time, but the thought torments everything:

Who is brighter in the universe gives his eternal light,

The moon's light is unchangeable, a lantern or dawn?


Take the moon, for example: the sky is not bright,

The lantern is for the joy of the square and for the happiness of the moth.

Dawn will come - of course, the lantern no longer needs to shine,

Only in the pitch black darkness it is his destiny to shine.


The lantern will sing with sadness and in a daze until dark,

Like a memorized record, only dreaming of the silence of the night.

The dawn will go into the dark - the lantern will light up,

And again, the thoughts are capacious flipping through the calendar.


Natalie Bisso



Natalie Bisso (Russia/Germany) is a poet and novelists. He is the author of 13 original collections.The poems have been translated into 44 languages of the world. Honorary Figure of World Literature and Arts. Founder and President of the International Literary Association "Creative Tribune“ . Academician; Corresponding member of three academies.





Distance from the eyes of the sun

 Body naked, wears only the inspiration of a clothed word and dances drunk

 in the time-consuming ones

hallucinations of the dream…

Distance, loneliness

from their window

letters of pain

Distant letters

Letters thrown away

 on silent journeys

of your hidden quests

on the shipwrecked ships of the past...


joy forgotten

in the cupboards

of vigilant luck

Far away from the border

of the search for self…

Escape to distance

breath from today

With the same distance

he drowns in his tears…the ghost of ..hate






European ambassador of Greek poetry in Romania, graduate of the humanities of Greek culture at the University of Patras, academic poet at the world poetry academy of Brazil AMCL, member of the INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF GREEK LITERATURE,



When spring knocks on the doors of the East

The color of the sky is gradually changing

The sun's rays greet us

shining on its way up

This is how life smiles at us every morning

Singing birds flirt with me every day

and we welcome them

In their home..... in the east

The birds are replying to us

by tweeting more

With unique musical melodies

Our hearts are filled with hope Our hearts are filled with hope

Our lives are filled with color

with the dawning

blooming again

The poet of our love for life

And we renew a promise with life

Singing to the tunes of the songs of the East

We enjoy legends

Our mother's east

Looking forward to the distant clouds

And we dream that she will move us

To a far country.....

To the country we always dream of

With more longing and love.


A nostalgic poem dedicated to my wonderful and beloved country, Syria.



John Karajoli.


Is a Greek poet, born in Syria, in Efrin city, north of Aleppo. His family is of Kurdish origin. He is a member of the Litterateurs Association of Northern Greece and of the cultural social institution “Amphictyonic League of Hellenism”. His work under the title “Colours of an Era “was published in the magazine “Critique of Language and Art , positions and views “ (50th issue ,May –July 2015). He became a member of the WIP and Peace Ambassador branch of SYRIA in 2018. He received ‘Honory Distinction -Epiharmos’ at the 5th International Poetic Contest on ‘ Hellenic – Orthodox – Amphictyonia – Thessaloniki , May 2020-He lives in the town of Thessaloniki – Greece.





Moi je ne suis pas encor rien

Sinon je souhaite être quelqu'un.

Les ans s'en vont, pourtant sans trêve,

mon esprit erre au gré du rêve.

Parfois le rêve en sa torpeur

Semble fuir de moi le bonheur;

Or c'est afin qi'il les convoie

Qu’il ceint mes jours par sa courroie.

Dans le mirroir de mon esprit

Je vois des lueurs de l'avenir 

Qui, loin de ces instants, flamboient 

Dans l'ombre où mes souhaits les côtoient:

Je vois par delà l'horizon

Où je suis ma destination

Comme un savant peut depuis terre

Voit plus loin que l'ozonosphère.

Tel l'univers en son expansion

Mon esprit fuit de l'illusion

De façon qu'il puisse s'étendre

Loin d'avis qui se voient méprendre.

Olvens Louissaint, Haiti



Olvens Louissaint est un écrivain biligue d'Haïti. Il a reçu des prix internationaux. Ses poèmes sont traduits en Arabe, Coréen, Kazakh et publiés dans des anthologies et revues internationales. 






Amidst the sirens and missiles

I see myself from a distance

though the binoculars of terrorists

the shock of evacuation

the reluctance of relocation


I imagine my house destroyed

my paintings shattered

the books ashes

the cats scattered

the fragrance of the garden

left to wither


Little by little

an unanticipated acceptance

a letting-go of attachments

a gradual release,

my past erased


Prepared now,

the stone of sorrow burdens

but will not crush


© Helen Bar-Lev 2/2024



Helen Bar-Lev lives in Israel and is the Amy Kitchener Senior Poet Laureate and recipient of the Homer European medal for poetry and art.  She was nominated for the Pushcart Prize in 2013.  Her latest book: SPIRIT CAPTIVE, Jerusalem in Poetry, Prose and Paintings.



A poet


The strong wind has not touched your face,

You have not seen the pain of your life.

With poets who fought for the truth and peace,

Only God is the spouse of the might!


When galloping as Kulager my blood is heat,

I don’t say hello to the daughter of the Khan.

With one poem to a thousand Hearts I can beat,

And I can wake up thousands of people then!


The poet is always in the strong wind,

But never precious poem is priced down.

The poet in the open mouth of the wound,

But I did not regret it, but I am never mind.


If I see the sun tomorrow morning,

If the sunlight touches and wakes me up.

My single word won't make you boring,

My poem cheers you up and makes you up.




Бетіңе жел тимеген бауырым-ай,

Өмірдің көрген жоқсың ауырын-ай.

Күрескен шындық үшін ақындармен,

Жалғыздың жапандағы жары құдай.


Шапқанда Құлагердей қан қызына,

Еңкейген жан емеспін хан қызына.

Өлеңмен мың жүректі түйреп өткен,

Жаратқан жар бола гөр жалғызыңа!


Қадірін қара өлеңнің кетірмедім,

Өмірім босқа өтті деп өкінбедім.

Жараның жарылмаған аузындамын,

Азынап соққан желдің өтіндемін.


Жарықтық таусылмаса ала таңым,

Аузыма әлі әлемді қаратамын.

Тісімнен отыз екі шыққан сөзді,


Білем жел отыз елге таратарын.


Aibek Kalmaganbetov





Aibek Kalmaganbetov was born in 1967, in the Shokpartogai village, Zhyloi region, Atyrau oblast. He came to the world of poetry in 2006 with the poem “The Legend of the Lost Girl”. His real world of poetry began in 2019. In the same year his first book of poems, “Place of Happiness” was published. After that, the next year, the books “Monument of My Father” and “Ken Zhyloi” were published. In 2021 came the new book “Letter for my Friend “. Two collections of poems “If You Miss Me”, and “The white World” were published in Almaty this year.



... Silently from the bottom of his heart  

he was playing komuz* the whole night!

Kinsmen were sitting around

to listen to melodies, they were quite lost

that they forgot that death was near...

Running his fingers across strums

he played komuz skilfully

prolonging life!..

What a talent!

Strings tuned imprisoned hearts!

They seemed to have escaped

A threatening terrible death...

Silently from the bottom of his heart

He was playing komuz the whole night!


* The komuz is an ancient string instrument used in Central Asian music, related to certain other Turkic string instruments, and the lute.


Altynai Temirova, Kyrgyzstan



Altynai Temirova is a poet of a wide range, playwright and translator.


In 1990, she graduated from the Institute of Literature named after M. Gorky in Moscow.  She is a member of the Writers’ Union of the Kyrgyz Republic since 1991, International Pen Club since 2000, and Union of Cinematographers since 2014. She is a coordinator representing Kyrgyzstan for “World Poets Movement” (WPM).  



Erfoud, where ages past and present tie.


A town famed for treasures beneath sand's warm embrace,

Where ancient seas whisper with silent, haunting grace.

On Sahara's edge, where vastness meets the ground,

The land shares tales, an eon's quest profound.

In awe, I stand, gazing at history's hand.


From Paleozoic depths to Mesozoic scenes,

Trilobites in ancient oceans found their serene.

And cephalopods, through epochs, boldly turned the page,

Their silence, a legacy that transcends any age.


Beside fossils of sunflowers and palms, gracefully placed,

A reminder of eternity, in the living's gaze.

In Erfoud, where ancient whispers amaze,

Echoing through the desert's timeless, winding maze.


Erfoud, a village where the past's breath fills the desert air,

Where history's layers gracefully unfold, laid bare.

In each stone, a million stories boldly told.

A place that humbles people, with its tales of old, so bold.


Kang Byeong-Cheol, Korea




Poet Kang Byeong-Cheol is a Korean author, poet, translator, and holder of a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Political Science. He served as a member of The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of PEN International from 2009 to 2014. From 2018 to 2022, he served as Secretary General of the Jeju Unification Education Center. Moreover, he works as an editorial writer for Jeminilbo, a newspaper in Jeju City, Korea. Currently, he holds the position of Vice President at The Korean Institute for Peace and Cooperation.





In this world of chaos, let's strive to find peace,

Embrace our humanity, let love flood our hearty.

With empathy as our guide, let's walk side by side,

Building bridges of understanding across this vast land.


Let's cherish diversity, let differences shine,

For unity in variety, define our strength.

In the tapestry of life, each thread has its place,

Let's celebrate uniqueness, with dignity and highness.


Let's nurture compassion, let it bloom and grow,

Everywhere and in every heart.

Sowing seeds of kindness, wherever we go,

And healing wounds of division.


Let's listen to each other, respecting every voice,

Erasing doubts and fears, restore confidence and hopes.

Let's lift each other up, in times of despair,

For together we're stronger, and better than ever.


Let's learn from our mistakes, and strive to do better,

Forging paths of righteousness, united in our endeavor.

Let's leave a legacy of love, for generations to come,

A beacon of hope, shining bright in the darkest times.









She is a multilingual poet, writer, journalist and translator. She has authored 21 books and translated 27 books to date.She is a global advisor for poetry on CCTV Chinese TV and editor and head of the translation department at various literary newspapers and magazines.She has won many awards for her write-ups.



The war of egos
The weapons of delusive worth
Food scanty, hidden
demands the rights of healthiness,
Shrieks of newborns
who have not even filled senses
with blue sky
whisper, “More life”,
Cries of women, once helpless
now teachable to self-defence,
The huge wheel churns
the fragrance of dawn,
will glitter-bless Eternity.

Vatsala Radhakeesoon, Mauritius

Vatsala Radhakeesoon has been writing poems for 30 years and she is the author of numerous poetry books. She is also an abstract artist and likes to experiment various possibilities that bless Art. Vatsala is a literary translator and currently lives at Rose-Hill, Mauritius.





The Theorem of Origin


The cherry tree branches out at my cheeks,

It tickles me, the silky delicacy of petals,

that don't belong to me in any way,

and you are fire,

you are sky, the lilac branch,

and the wind that scatters pollen

from which poetry grows,

you are the stone

from which wildflowers sprout,

a crack through which light enters,

you are the theorem of origin,

from which magical worlds emerge.

I told you: branch out instead of cherry tree,

tickle my cheeks, gaze at me intently,

steal the stone and wildflower,

and scatter the pollen from which

the world will sprout.


Aleksandra Lekić Vujisić 




 Teorema o postanku


Drvo trešnje razgranalo

se nauštrb mojih jagodica

golica me svilena tananost latica

koje mi ničim ne pripadaju

a ti si vatra, ti si nebo

grana jorgovana

i vjetar koji rasipa polen

od koga raste poezija

ti si kamen iz koga niču divlji cvjetovi

pukotina kroz koju ulazi svjetlost

ti si teorema o postanku

iz koje niču čarobni svjetovi

Rekla sam ti razgranaj se umjesto trešnje

golicaj mi jagodice, gledaj me netremice

ukradi kameni divlji cvijet

i raspi polen iz koga nići će svijet.




Aleksandra Lekić Vujisić (Podgorica, Montenegro) is an English professor and an award-winning writer and poet. She writes in her native language and English, and her work has been translated into Italian, Spanish, Polish and Chinese language. She is an author of four books. 




Inspired by pain in the veins

Memories that shatter me

I take the pen as an elixir

And portray all my shipwrecks.


I find joy in the pink rose

Its beauty softens me

I remember some distant winter

When it was left frozen.


When the soul trembles with no way out

Words cascade like waterfalls

I cast off the rock that weighs me down

This is how I wrestle with unrest.


Acts of mercy and empathy

Events across the entire planet

Evoke a storm of emotions in me

I must convey them in poetry.


In invisible contemplation, with a silent prayer

I dive into a strange inner world

Without hatred, I often distance myself from people

The mind is captivated by the heavenly realm.


Duška Kontić





Inspirisana bolom u venama

Sjećanjima koja me lome

Uzimam olovku kao eliksir

Preslikam sve svoje brodolome.


Radost pronađem u rozoj ruži

Raznježi me ljepota njena

Sjetim se neke davne zime

Kad je smrznuta ostavljena.


Kad duša zadrhti bezizlazom

Riječi padaju u slapovima

Zbacim stijenu što me pritiska

Tako se borim s nemirima.


Dobra dijela milosrđa i empatije

Događanja na cijeloj planeti

U meni izazovu buru emocija

Moram ih u pjesmu prenijeti.


U tihovanju nevidljivom molitvom

Uranjam u čudni unutrašnji svijet

Bez mržnje se često udaljim od ljudi

Carstvom nebeskim um je obuzet.


                              Duška Kontić


                                    Crna Gora


 Duška Kontić is a member of the Literary Community "Mirko Banjević" from Nikšić, under which she published a poetry collection titled "Nemirni smiraj" in 2008. She is also a member of the International Association of Literary Creators and Artists "Nekazano" from Bar and the Association of Writers and Artists "Zenit" from Podgorica, with whom she has successful synergy. She is also a member of the IKA - International Cultural Organization that promotes Montenegrin literature and nurtures young talents. She has collaborated in numerous anthologies and magazines in the region, where her poems are represented. Her poems have been published in anthologies worldwide.


She resides in Nikšić, Montenegro. 

New Zealand






You are--

A cloud that cannot rain,

A star that cannot fall, a moon that cannot set

A snowflake that cannot come down, a melody that cannot wander away--

And a verse lingering on the title page.


Even if the pills you have to take as much as snow,

the pain is as sharp as the white spot


You mustn't fall, before I arrive

As you have promised me


Please lower your head to sniff the roses, and intone my verses--

You, a trapped tiger resting in plain momentarily, be patient:


I am already on my way


 Christine Peiying Chen (New Zealand)


 Christine Peiying Chen (New Zealand)

A columnist of newspaper, ‘The Best Foreign Author 2023' -- an Italian Literature Award of the 30th 'Ossi Di Seppia'.  In 2023, she was assigned as the coordinator for World Poetry Movement Oceania. She serves as a committee member of New Zealand Chinese Writers Association. Her latest poems were published in 'China Language' twice (Taiwan China 2023/2024), and collected in The anthology ' 7 Chinese poets in the world- 21 century'(publish by Puntoacapo Editrice,ltaly on May 2024).




Let Stories Fly


I guess snowflake

Must have come from a mother

After painful fission, drifting away

Blow up with its stories, everywhere


Falling on the window of the church

Imprint Jesus on every piece of glass

Falling on the trees

Starting the blossom of flowers 


Falling on the princess

Making her a fairy tale


Continue to drift afar

Falling on the witch

Sparking the slanders

All over the sky


Falling on the little match girl*

Slipping onto her last match which is sparking

Melted and Extinguished


                                               *little match girl by Christian Andersen


  Yuhang Liu


 Yuhang Liu
, Born in Beijing , Residing in NZ, Poet and Novelist, 30th OSSI DI SEPPIA award winner, NZ Chinese Writer's Association " The 4th CoCo Literacy Prize" winner. have written numerous poems, and novels, never published


  --Beggar in New Delhi perspective



There's a traffic jam once again.

This is just life here, I'm used to it.


I'm always stuck here anyways

doing the same thing every day.


Watching all the cars being stuck in traffic

People sitting comfortably inside their cars

observing and commenting on me.


While watching them

I've always wondered

how nice it would be to be rich.


How nice it would be

to be able to have anything I want.


I'm sick and tired of begging others for money relying on them

but what else can I do?

I have no choice.


   Chen Yue  Zhao ( New Zealand)



Bio: Chen Yue Zhao, a New Zealand young poet , she gained the Concorso Di Poesia “IL Parnaso-Premio Angelo La Vecchia” poetry prize in Italy, third place in the NZ Chinese speech competition, her poems were published in  several HongKong poetry magazines.  




I'm a sword


I am a sword for the tyrant

My role is to fight for justice

against all poverty and suffering

Some find it difficult to explain my existence


People judge me by my beaming smile

My interesting outfit will be looked at for a while

They don't know the struggles I face

Pain beneath my grace


Others despise me and hate me with joy

But they don't know what drives my practice

I'm not just a pretty face

I have a purpose, a reason to embrace it


I pretend to be happy, I pretend to be strong

But deep down, my heart is not in that song

And I bear the burden of the oppressed

My own pain, I have to suppress


I don't want to hurt my loved ones

So I pretend and hide the negative truth

I just shed tears before God

Because only he knows my pain and my love


He understands when others do not

He comforts me when I feel alone

He gives me the strength to keep going

And fight for the oppressed


I am a sword, a weapon for good

 however, misunderstood

I will continue my fight, my mission

To bring justice and end discrimination.


Anila Bukhari




 Anila Bukhari is a true beacon of hope and a shining example of what one determined individual can achieve. She received the International Community Services Award from the House of the Parliament London in November 2023, and she received the International Book Peace Award from Italy in 2021. 






Sleep has fled on crow's feet –

blurring entropy – night rains


in shimmers. The lights sway

as sky migrates – liquid curtains –


there is only beauty to be seen

within invisible heat – mercurial


surge in frosty air. Stars melt –

his dreams tread on waning reality.


All he will ever be able to collect:

talismans – pellets of hail trapped


in empty wishes. Twilight merges

into falling roofs – hour draped –


he waits by flickering shadows,


their lips moving close to his ears. 






Il sonno è fuggito tra le e zampe del corvo -

entropia offuscata– piogge notturne



in luccichii. Le luci ondeggiano

mentre il cielo migra - tende liquide -


c'è solo bellezza da vedere

all'interno di un calore invisibile - mercuriale


 nell'aria gelida. Le stelle si sciolgono -

i suoi sogni calpestano la realtà in declino.


Tutto ciò che sarà mai in grado di raccogliere:

talismani - chicchi di grandine intrappolati


in desideri vuoti. Il crepuscolo si fonde

in tetti che cadono - ora drappeggiata -.


aspetta accanto a ombre tremolanti,

le loro labbra si muovono vicino alle sue orecchie.



Sheikha A.- Pakistan and United Arab Emirates


Sheikha A. is from Pakistan and United Arab Emirates. More about her can be found at







I wander like a cosmic nomad,

drifting through stardust lanes,

My soul unshackled by gravity,

as twilight mirrors the constellation of wishes.

I trace through my fingertips,

mapping celestial highways,

Where galaxies collide in silent ballet,

and black holes sing their ancient songs.

My feet kiss moon-kissed soil,

 and I become a vagabond of existence,

 A wanderer between realms,

seeking secrets whispered by nebulae.

The universe unfurls its tapestry,

 each thread a story of birth and death,

 I, the mundivagant dreamer,

weave my verses into the void.

So I journey, untethered and wild,

 a comet trailing wonder,

 Chasing Infinity’s elusive tail

 forever lost, forever found.



Caroline Nazareno-Gabis



- CAROLINE NAZARENO-GABIS A.K.A. CERI NAZ, born in Anda, Pangasinan, Philippines known as a ‘poet of peace and friendship’, is a multi-awarded poet, editor, publicist, linguist, Science enthusiast, educator,  and women’s advocate. She has been published in various international e-zines and  anthologies. She received prestigious awards including, 4th Placer in World Union of Poets Poetry Prize with 100 participants worldwide,  Writers International Network-Canada ‘’Amazing Poet 2015’’, The Frang Bardhi Literary Prize 2014 (Albania), the sair-gazeteci or Poet-Journalist Award 2014 (Tuzla, Istanbul, Turkey) and World Poetry Empowered Poet 2013 (Vancouver, Canada).






      We have always been best friends

      And even more than friends

      We have always been like sisters

      And we have a strong connection

      Not a connection through blood

       But a connection in spirit.

       We felt both how to grow

       Without the support of a father

       We felt pain and the need of care

       And we leaned on each other

       In order to survive.

       Pain was our connection

       In order to bring hope

       Others abandoned us

       But we never abandoned each other.

       We weren't close in space

       But close in heartbeats.

       A telepathic connection

       Called real friendship

      Which is beyond a common sense



   Bogdana Găgeanu 




Bogdana Găgeanu is a Romanian poetess and playwright. She published two books of poetry.

Her poetry was published in many international magazines and anthologies and was even heard at  international radios. She even wrote a script for a short movie.




The poet's face (his poem)


The poet's face is his poem,

Perhaps this is the luck,

It doesn't matter who you were born with then,

But only once I built up the words.


What is the life of a poet? Does it make sense?

The answer will be darkness among the lights,

What the poet wrote will be more important,

Than he was evil or a little kinder.


It doesn't matter: drinking, smoking – everyone will forget about it,

However, a couple of lines with a rhyme will be remembered.

They will forgive treason, rudeness, rudeness, fornication,

And will exalt only poetic labor.


I don't know if it's good or not,

The Great Ones are silent and don't give an answer,

The crowd is making noise like a beehive,


That's why the poet lost his life with a bullet.



Лицо поэта (его стихотворение)


Лицо поэта -  его стихотворение,

Пожалуй, в этом и везение,

Не важно, кем родился ты тогда,

А только как однажды выстроил слова.


Что жизнь поэта? Есть ли смысл в ней?

Ответом будет тьма среди огней,

То, что писал поэт, окажется важнее,

Чем был злым он или чуть добрее.


Не важно: пил, курил – об этом все забудут,

Однако пару строчек с рифмой помнить будут.

Простят измены, грубость, хамство, блуд,

И вознесут лишь стихотворный труд.


Не знаю, хорошо ли это или нет,

Великие молчат и не дают ответ,

Толпа шумит точно пчелиный улей,

Вот почему поэт расстался с жизнью пулей.


Kabishev Alexander Konstantinovich



Kabishev Alexander Konstantinovich (K.A.K.), a poet and writer, an artist of a new direction in literature and art - choism, founder and head of the international creative and cultural project "DEMO GOG", editor-in-chief of the magazine "HUMANITY". (Russia, the city of St. Petersburg).

Saudi Arabia




I am thinking

about my pain --

no one shares it with me.


And about my joy --

I don’t partake of it with passersby,

and it runs away from my fingers every time.


I lionize my pain

for no reason, but because

it belongs to me.


I cannot smile well,

and the wind encourages me to jump

to where I can't see.


The gnat

knows how to jump,

how to mock the wind

when it takes an aerial step back,

then smuggles a smile under its wings. 

And like you, I prefer the refraction

instead of being like a gnat


or anything on its back






Raed Anis Al-Jishi  


international awarded poet and a translator from Qateef - Saudi Arabia,  has an honorary fellowship in writ from Iowa university-USA an editor in (modern dialogs- Northern Macedonia ) some of his books were translated into several languages



СПОНА                                                           BOND


Све на свијету спојено је                        Everything in the world is connected

невидљивим спонама,                             by invisible bonds,


а живот држи нож                                   and life holds a knife

у рукама.                                                  in his arms.


И док тражимо објашњењe                 And while we're looking for an explanation

за све што је пресјечено,                      for all that is cut,

неријешено                                            unsolved

и нерођено –                                          and unborn -                    


једно осјећање,                                       one feeling,

као обећање,                                           as a promise,

још клија у нама.                                   still sprouting in us


Зар је важно што живот држи нож      Does it matter that life holds a knife

у својим рукама,                                    in his hands,

кад све на свијету спојено је                when everything in the wold is connected


невидљивим спонама.                           by invisible bonds.




Barbara Novaković (1986), Serbian poetess, germanist, translator. Awarded several times in the country and abroad, translated into English, Spanish, Chinese and Hungarian. Published books: The Call of the Ocean, Immaculate Conception, The Longest Prayer (currently in print).


Infinite love


 Beloved star of the constellation,

sacred secret of love, alpha and omega, universal molecule of the universal, inseparable whole, yin and yang

The soul of communicating in the

 language of symbols, you are me,

I am you. We vibrate at the same

frequency, eternal, immortal,

freed from fear and time,

 years, dying. Everything we are,

we have already been. When the

universe unites, no one separates.

We are ocean drops, star particles, omnipresent energy through the evolution of spiritual growth knowledge, the self.



 ©️® Melita Mely Ratković





Melita Ratković, lives in Novi Novi - Serbia. Profession and cultural activity: Literary ambassador of Serbia in Brazil and Spain. Participated in several anthologies, world heritage. Lifetime member of

AIAP - ACADEMIA INTERCONTINENTAL de Artistas e Poetas - Brasil

Academia Mundial de Cultura e Literatura AMCL - Brasil

Academia de Música e Literatura Artística - Brasil

Academia Independente Democrática de Escritores e Poetas - Brasil

Academia Biblioteca Mundial de Letras e Poesia - Brasil.

CILA Confraria Internacional de Literatura e Artes 

Spain - Catalunya


The Moon's Rage


In the quiet whispers of the night,

the moon's rage casts a solemn light.

Her silver beams, a silent plea,

for humanity to set the earth free.


Yet we shun her sorrowful sight,

blind to the ignorance of our acts.

But her fury unfurls with day's stay,

throwing us in darkest swirl.


Shadows dance, her anger's advance,

through clouds, her plea, our chance.

With each eclipse, her fury grows,

a cosmic cry, for a world in whirls.


Let her rage ignite change's flame,

mending scars, we'll rise, the same.

In unity's strength, we'll take flight,

forging a future in celestial light.



La luna enfurecida


En los susurros silenciosos de la noche,

la furia de la luna arroja una luz solemne.

Sus rayos de plata, una súplica silenciosa

para que la humanidad libere la tierra.


Sin embargo, esquivamos su mirada triste,

ciegos ante la ignorancia de nuestras acciones.

Más su furia se desata con el alba,

lanzándonos al tumulto más oscuro.


En cada eclipse, su furia se aviva,

un grito cósmico en el huracán del mundo.

Las sombras danzan, su ira se desata,

entre nubes, su ruego, nuestra oportunidad.


Que su furia avive la llama de la transformación,

cicatrices curadas, nos erguiremos, unidos.

Con la fuerza de la solidaridad, alzaremos el vuelo,


forjando un futuro en la luz divina.




Xavier Panades I Blas





Xavier Panades I Blas

"The Poetry Beast” skilfully channels emotions and completely immerses readers in his captivating narratives. His bilingual poetry collections, 'The Ear of Eternity' (Francis Boutle: 2019) and "The Eye of Reality" (Francis Boutle: 2023), extend beyond the boundaries of comfort, prompting profound self- reflection on themes of love, identity, and injustice.




That Dream Shadow on Red Cliff


In the break of dawn, as soft winds sway,

Within the dream of the Red Chamber, laughter and words weave without dismay.

The Red Cliffs, now but a distant thought,

Illuminated by the firelight, heroes' dreams over scenic sprawls are wrought.

Beyond the citadel's embrace, the desert thirsts under the sun,

Acres green, where ancient wars have spun.

Untouched by season's grip, the visage of youth remains, yet empty of worldly mirth.

No footprint dares the land where sword and arrow birth, and autumn grass mourns its own dearth.

For this serenity, to every soul, let it gently seep.


Peace, like water, clears the heart's keep,

With brush and ink, what purpose do they serve? But to scribe our future's hopeful curve.

Beneath a sky adorned with stars, a shared wish in people's eyes glows,

The years of conflict, all but in the past doze.

When shall the valor of heroes into timeless stories weave and flow?

As the moon bathes dreams in its nocturnal glow, ambitions boundless as clouds rise,

This moment lingers, through a thousand years where night never dies.

No need for war's drum, nor the call to arms below,

May this essence fear not the long road's uneven breath, let it freely grow.



Tzemin Ition Tsai



























Prof. Tzemin Ition Tsai, Dr. comes from Taiwan, Republic of China. He is also a columnist for “Chinese Language Monthly” in Taiwan. His literary works have been anthologized and published in more than 55 countries and have been translated into more than 24 languages.



 Fallen Stars




Teary poetry,

You are loaded with future’s azure sky,

As you can’t afford

to take the heavy burden

and embark on a long road in future

I beseech you to put it aside

Let dawn’s stars fall in the curtain of dark night.

That stars have fallen in the cosmic clouds

is the consummation withered away.

Ah, The perpetual poetry!

The night curtain is drawn for you forever.

The long silvery river,

You neither have not the starting point

Yet neither you have not the ending.




Wr / Lou Fu (Taiwan)




















LOU FU (HSU, SHIH-TING) was born in Taiwan. Member of Taiwan Poetry Society,

Chinese Poetry Society, International Poetry Research Society. He served as deputy editor

of the paper published “China miniature poetry”; and the “extra-territorial style”; section


“WLFPH World Peace and Human Rights Literary Forum” international peace envoy, her

poems have been translated into English, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Bengali, Japanese

and other languages.






Ton chant nous enchante magique pluie

Et l'on danse tout gais aux effluves de tes mélodies

Si douces que l'on oublie heureux nos cris

Des sécheresses et détresses qui supplient

Assoiffées pour te revoir avec fièvre elles prient

Durant de longs jours et d'affreuses nuits

Reconnaissants l'on te fête et remercie aujourd'hui

Tu nous apportes belles gerbes et si doux fruits

Sans toi pluie il n'y a plus de vie

Tu es bien plus précieuse que diamants et rubis


© Mokhtar El amraoui



Mokhtar El Amraoui est un poète tunisien d’expression française né à Mateur, en Tunisie. Il a publié quatre recueils. Le premier, en 2010, « Arpèges sur les ailes de mes ans », le second, en 2014, « Le souffle des ressacs » et les troisième et quatrième en 2019, successivement   « Chante, aube, que dansent tes plumes ! » et « Dans le tumulte du labyrinthe ».

United Kingdom




Overnight, and quite unexpectedly

they appeared, sharp

stabbing daggers of light,

their droplets of hearts frozen

mid-motion; we admired 

their implacable stillness,

unmovable, stiff

outside our window.


We moved through the house that day

silently, in the slippered hush

of snowfall, in the vast white,

our footsteps blanketed 

by snow.


Your caress was a shroud,

in which I longed 

to wrap myself and die, 

But dared not touch - 


But dared not touch,  

for fear

of melting.  



Rebecca Lowe is a poet from Swansea, Wales, UK. She has two published collections, Blood and Water (The Seventh Quarry) and Our Father Eclipse (Culture Matters) and has contributed to many international anthologies. 






Every day has a highlight,

Like a sparkle in a painting.

Just as the moon floats between clouds

Hidden from view

A breath of fullness

Remains in memories.

A phrase dipped in gold,

A bite of gladness,

Truth revealed,

Brushworks of infinity,

A tomato pulled from the sky,

As a blue jay appears.

A spray of light

Fixed in a smile.


Marsha Solomon


Solomon, Marsha (USA)


Marsha Solomon has been living and working as a painter and a poet in New York. Her work has received extensive critical attention and has been written about in international, national, regional and local publications like Long Island Pulse Magazine, The Guardian UK, Chelsea News, Art Week, The Suffolk News, Art Slant, and the Daily Record.




On the Rails 

    time-travel to be with George Simenon, known to write 80 pages a day, 1960


On the train out of Paris, a gent asks to join me 

in the dining car. His suit dark, almost black, wool 

and looks comfortable, as is the current fashion.

While he is tall, well-chiseled, and broad-shouldered,


I am a bit paunchy, but perhaps he deems me 

a suitable companion in my silk and linen suit with a 

peppery texture. Soon we discover to share the same destination,

Villa Mondadori! We pass the the time easily,


as the stretch from Geneva to Stresa is spectacular.

Smoke from his pipe and my Gauloise fill the spaces 

between convivial conversation. He readily 

fills me in — he is a writer of detective stories.


I ask if he is working on one. “Indeed! A mystery set on the Venice - Paris route. 

A man connecting to Geneva asks a favor 

of a fellow passenger to retrieve an attaché case stored in a station locker 

during his three-hour stop in Lausanne and deliver it to a local address.”


“What happens next?”, I ask, lighting my fifth cigarette.

“Oh, I’ll think of something diabolical when I settle at the Villa.

By dinner next night I shall have my story completed A to Zed!” 

As promised, over dessert wine he hands me a typed manuscript!


Neal Whitman




Neal Whitman lives in Pacific Grove, California, with his  wife Elaine. Both love to read poetry and also detective stories. Both types of literature offer a mystery.








como una historia que se derrite


la arruga y la cicatriz

revelar también

la sonrisa contundente del cuerpo

dar de beber el agua turbia del corazón.




sin más atavío que el candil

de los ojos indomables,


como quien se entrega

a la muerte.





Se livrer



Se livrer

comme une histoire qui fond


la ride et la cicatrice

révéler aussi

le sourire tranchant du corps

donner à boire l’eau trouble du cœur.


Se livrer

                               pieds nus

sans plus de parure que la lampe

des yeux indomptables,


comme on se livre

à la mort.





Traduction de l’espagnol (Venezuela)

Stéphane Chaumet





MARIELA CORDERO. (Valencia, Venezuela) (1985)Poet, writer,translator and visual artist. Third Poetry Prize Pizarnik Argentina (2014). First Prize in the II Iberoamerican Poetry Contest Euler Granda, Ecuador (2015). Second Prize for Poetry Concorso Letterario Internazionale Bilingual Tracceperlameta Edizioni, Italy (2015) First Prize in Castilian micropoems Transpalabrarte (2015)